1. How Often Do You Read Music Magazines?
This question ensures me that people do read music magazines it is helpful as it shows me there is a wide audience who read the magazines quite regulary so making the magazine and producing one a month looks like the most positive option out of them.
2. From the following pick your favourite music category?
This question is vital as it helps me decide in which music catergory i will choose to use for my music magazine. The most popular choice was Rock, Alternative and Indie, due to this I am going to choose to cover all 3 of these genres in my music magazine as they are very simular and can clash with many bands, pop and rave did not recieve as much votes and are not simular to the others so will not feature. Also the genres i have chosen to use are on the magazines i analysed such as NME so i now have a better idea for designing my magazine.
3. What would you prefer to see as the main image on a music magazine ?
This question is very helpful for when designing my magazine as it shows me what audiences prefer for a my main image on my title page. The results were quite even but a solo artist came out on top by 4 votes, so to suit the majority of people I will feature a solo artist image for my front cover. This is good as I have many friends also who are solo artists who would love to be on the front cover for my magazine.
4.What colour scheme would you like to see used on a music magazine ?
This question was to see in which colour theme i should use for my music magazine, the majority of people have chosen for me to use a mix of colours in the magazine, i think i will do this as it then lets me use a bigger varitety of colours throughout my magazine and leads too much more possible magazine ideas.
5.Around how many coverlines would you like to see on a magazine cover?
This question was good as it helped me decide on how many coverlines should feature on my front cover, there little amounts of votes between the answers in which it showed people dont really have a dominent amount of coverlines they want to see on a front cover. Due to this I am not going to choose a certain amount of coverlines yet i will just make a descion when making the magazine judging how many by how good and proffesional it looks, but i will most likely stick to a limit between 2 and 5.
6.Out of the following- what would be your favourtite magazine name?
This question shows me which music name I should use out of a few selected by me. This will help me as it is giving me a idea in which name the audience likes. Digital was dominent winner in which obviously appeals to the audience a lot more than the other names for this reason i will use this name when making my music magazine.
I would like to say this is good work, but I would be lying, it is in fact terrible.