Monday, 28 February 2011

Questionaire Analysis

1. How Often Do You Read Music Magazines?

This question ensures me that people do read music magazines it is helpful as it shows me there is a wide audience who read the magazines quite regulary so making the magazine and producing one a month looks like the most positive option out of them.

2.     From the following pick your favourite music category?    
This question is vital as it helps me decide in which music catergory i will choose to use for my music magazine. The most popular choice was Rock, Alternative and Indie, due to this I am going to choose to cover all 3 of these genres in my music magazine as they are very simular and can clash with many bands, pop and rave did not recieve as much votes and are not simular to the others so will not feature. Also the genres i have chosen to use are on the magazines i analysed such as NME so i now have a better idea for designing my magazine. 

3. What would you prefer to see as the main image on a music magazine ?
This question is very helpful for when designing my magazine as it shows me what audiences prefer for a my main image on my title page. The results were quite even but a solo artist came out on top by 4 votes, so to suit the majority of people I will feature a solo artist image for my front cover. This is good as I have many friends also who are solo artists who would love to be on the front cover for my magazine.

4.What colour scheme would you like to see used on a music magazine ?
This question was to see in which colour theme i should use for my music magazine, the majority of people have chosen for me to use a mix of colours in the magazine, i think i will do this as it then lets me use a bigger varitety of colours throughout my magazine and leads too much more possible magazine ideas.

5.Around how many coverlines would you like to see on a magazine cover?
 This question was good as it helped me decide on how many coverlines should feature on my front cover, there little amounts of votes between the answers in which it showed people dont really have a dominent amount of coverlines they want to see on a front cover. Due to this I am not going to choose a certain amount of coverlines yet i will just make a descion when making the magazine judging how many by how good and proffesional it looks, but i will most likely stick to a limit between 2 and 5.

6.Out of the following- what would be your favourtite magazine name?
This question shows me which music name I should use out of a few selected by me. This will help me as it is giving me a idea in which name the audience likes. Digital was dominent winner in which obviously appeals to the audience a lot more than the other names for this reason i will use this name when making my music magazine.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Music magazine double-page article research

The NME double page music spread consists of a very big image mainly on the left page of a band called "The teenagers" this image features all of the band to attract in a audience. The title of the band (the teenagers)  is located right next to a smaller title saying NME loves, this will have a effect on the readers as they will see that the magazine "loves" this band and will most likely believe the band is good and worth buying their CD and songs. The article which associates with this band is located on the right of the image in which their is a lot of text and even a featured key quote highlighted in blue to stand out to the audience as NME believe a audience may like this. The magazine uses a sky blue colour a lot on this double page spread in which in it chooses information or text they want to stand out so the audience does not miss these as it can be very important to the double page spread, eg the bands name.
This double page article features a very big dominating image of global band oasis. In front of the image is a quote from the related article which is on the 2nd page. The image is of the band posing very confidently and dominant, due to the band being so well known the audience reading the magazine will most likely recognise them instantly and be attracted into reading the article. Then the quote which is on the image is very eye catching which again the magazine will believe people will want to read on due to it. There is lots of small text writing on the next page but there again is another key quote highlighted in the middle of the page in orange which helps stand out and show its importance to the article.
This double page spread from the NME magazine, features a layout of a key image taking up just over one page. The image features the band who relate to the article which is located on the right of this. The name of the band is featured in the title on the right to show the audience who they are and attract in people to reading the article if they recognise the name or the image. The image is simply of the band looking very dominant and with a plain background just to keep the focus on the band. On the right the article features lots of a small print text but a key quote separated in blue and in a bigger font in which it will stand out and make the audience attracted into seeing why this has been done. The magazine will believe this quote will be very interesting and make a audience interested and want to read the rest of the article. Like all of the other magazine double page spreads which I have looked at they have chosen to feature a band to write about and for the image.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Music Magazine

This magazine (NME) contains its brand name at the top left in big red letters standing out in which audiences will recognise the magazine name and if so purchase or read it. I believe the magazine has chosen the name as NME stands for new musical express this may have been used to appeal to a audience as it gives a impression it is the "newspaper" for the music world as their are many newspapers with express featuring it them. The main image of the magazine is of a artist playing the guitar at a gig, which is a very eye catching image in which attracts a audience. The bar code for the magazine needs to be on the magazine as people will need to purchase this it is located at the bottom right so it is not effecting the image or the titles and sub titles. The main story's title features in the centre of the of the image to get the main attention of the audience as the NME believe this will be the story in which will attract the largest audience. The NME logo features in its typical bright red font in which it is mainly associated. The rest of the magazine is mainly quite dark colours unless the "NME red" is featured in certain important parts of the front cover. The NME magazine appeals to the "festival fans" as the music featured in these magazines are usually festival headliner artists and bands by looking at the name of the established magazine the majority of the public will know if the magazine is for them or not as with the image.

This magazine is very basic and stereotypical of a magazine as it contains as little text as possible, the image takes up the whole cover this means the audience will have all of their attention concentrating on the image in which it looks very unique and will stand out to attract customers. The bar code for the magazine features again in the bottom hand corner in which it will not effect the image. The magazines name "Indie" features in big bold white font with the tag line underneath in which usually happens with magazines. Due to the titles name it helps give a target audience, in which it would be people who enjoy Indie music or fashion due to looking at the main image also. The cover line located in the bottom right features in yellow cartoon font in which it helps appeal to a young audience and shows who the magazine is meant for, as using a strict black font would stereotypically appeal to a serious more older audience. The font type is Sans-Serif which can be seen as informal compared to the Serif font, this may be because the target audience is young and will be more layed back and not be up for reading a formal magazine.
This magazine features a image taking up the majority of the page but featuring mainly towards to the the right in which it leaves more room for story's in which are needed to attract customers. The magazine title name is located at the top left (because initially people read from top left to bottom right) in which NME use their vintage red colour to attract in their regular customers and keep a pattern going on their magazines and products. The image shows a very "rock or indie" look in which would help audiences understand if the magazine was for them or not. White and goldy fonts are used for majority of cover lines however their is one which is in red font which is very eye catching due to the fact NME must believe that the target audience will enjoy the cover line.
This "Kerrang" magazine features the title at the top on very crazy writing as this magazine is very rock in which people who like rock can be seen as "mad". The name kerrang is known world-wide so they have made the title big and eye catching as it will attract customers in who know the name. The layout of the magazine sees the key image featuring on the right which is the band "Green Day" who can be seen as global superstars so people will instantly know who they are by looking at the magazine and want to purchase the mag. On the image the bands name is wrote in big bold white font to show people who may not recognise the band who they are so they want to read on. The bar code like others isn't in the middle of the magazine so that it doesn't effect the image or cover lines.

Contents Pages:
This contents page sees the magazines name being featured at the top left as it is the 1st place people look when it comes to reading. The font for the title "Tilt" is sans serif as it is a music magazine and would not be seen as a very formal magazine and more of a interesting read. There are numerous images used on this page all with a number in the corner of them which relates to the page number they associate with. This has been done to attract people to read on as the images are very eye catching and interesting. On the right hand side of the magazine it contains the context of what is in the magazine, there are subsections used as this magazine is published often there will usually be articles relating to each sub-section in each magazine.
The NME magazine contents page contains lots of writing and little images. There is only one main image and thats related to the main article which covers the majority of the page making your eye drawn to it. The target audience is reached in this contents page as it uses the "NME" colour scheme of black red and white in which all NME fans will reconise and most likely enjoy. There are numerous subtitles which are located on the right in which readers will know where to find what they are looking for eg, reviews and news. This is good for a reader as it is easily noticable and will help them see if there is a story they wish to read. There is a advertisement located at the bottom with a black background in which helps it stand out this is important for a magazine as they need to sell there product and create capital. On the left NME have featured a band index as a big title in Sans-serif in which it enables people to look for the bands they like's name and then see what page they are located on.
This kerrang contents page contains numerous images which relate to articles inside the magazine. The main image is located at the top containing a popular band in which is assocated with this magazine as it is the same genre theme. This will help attract people to read on as they most likely will like the band or Kerrang will think so. The title of the magazine is situated in the centre of the page which institnly stands out and recieves a lot of attention due to the white font on a black background. The theme of Kerrang is shown throughout this contents page, as Kerrang use black, white and yellow lots throughout their magazine. All of the text throughout the full contents page is done in Sans-serif as the magazine is meant for enjoyment and casual than formal information.