This is my draft contents page designs, they are very basic but its gives me a basic idea of what layout and content on the contents page I could use including position and main image. I quite prefer the idea on the top right of the page as it looks more of a professional than the other designs.
This is my final draft before making my final contents page, it is giving me a lot more help compared to the previous basic designs as here I have identified the images I would like to use, a couple of the story's I will use for fill up the page and the general layout for my magazine contents page.
I am using this image on my contents page as it fits it with the music theme due to this "artist" wearing headphones and looking happy. I cut around this image using macromedia fireworks.
I am also using this image as a similar one was on my front cover as it is my main story for my magazine. I cut around this image using macromedia fireworks. This image will work for my magazine as it is featuring a guitar and a music artist.
This is my magazine contents page layout guide, it follows a basic layout but easy to read for the audience and hopefully will appeal to them. The page number is located at the bottom right as I find it most apporbiate here.
This is my final contents page cover, it was made on publisher and features 2 images in which attract the audience as they are both very musical and suit the purpose of the magazine. The contents page easily shows the audience that it is a contents page as it features the title "contents" also next to this is the music magazine name "digital" in order to keep the audience recognising what magazine there reading and showing the branded name. Again like the front cover I have followed using a limited amount of colours to look more professional are make the magazine colours more recognisable for customers. I have also included page numbers as this again makes it look more professional for my audience. This is located in the bottom right corner as it isn't in the way of the rest of the page but still very noticeable and common for magazines. I also added a border also to the page, as I think it makes it look better and more suitable.
The feedback I received for my magazine contents page said that they really enjoyed the layout of it, saying that they thought it looked professional and presentable. However my audience said that they did not like the fonts i used saying they did not look very good. However some people i asked about my contents page liked them so there is a mixed reaction from my audience. The page number being in the bottom right surprinsgly got a lot of credit also from my feedback in which people said it was very good putting page numbers in and they really found the positioning realistic. In general my magazine got good feedback however the fonts were mixed reactions with the audience.